Lawn Care Service Business Software for Quickbooks™
Manage your lawn care business with easy to use, customizable lawn care service software and mobile solutions that seamlessly integrate with QuickBooks™.

The Service Program Lawn Care Service Business Software Efficiently manages all of your lawn care service Business needs:
In addition to its seamless integration with QuickBooks™, its compatibility with Apple and Android mobile devices, and many functional features, The Service Program is the optimal solution for your lawn care service business. Especially, when it’s also one of the most affordable and easy-to-use solutions on the market.
Full two way sync with QuickBooks™ Desktop or QuickBooks™ Online.
Know when stops have been serviced. Track time on-site, take pics and more.
A self service option for your customers to connect with your business for payments, invoices history or to report an issue.
Optimize routes by area, day or crew. Send electronic notifications after each stop.
Enter work orders from the office or in the field. Track time, costs and more.
Track profitability, material costs and improve communications between crews and the office.
Create customized forms and documents.
Features & Benefits
Track, manage, and report to residential and commercial customers more efficiently. Save time by eliminating double entry. Enter customer once in either The Service Program or QuickBooks™ and it will seamlessly update within the other program.
Schedule With Ease.
Streamline your route scheduling and dispatching. Easily schedule unlimited recurring services like weekly mowing, pruning and spraying. Optimize your route schedule for maximum profitability. Route by area, day and tech.
Stay On Track.
Easily track work orders or tasks so that nothing slips through the cracks. Open a work ticket while on a customer call and our lawn billing software will display it to a smartphone or tablet. Once closed, the work ticket posts as a printable invoice in QuickBooks™.
Document & Analyze.
Record fertilizer and pesticide applications applied and generate lawn analysis such as, type of grass and weeds present, insects and any diseases found. Attach images of before and after treatments, or for proof of service.
The Mobile Solution.
Allows your crews to be both paperless and efficient while in the field. Crews can route to their next stop, enter work performed, take before and after pictures and receive payments. Spray routes can enter time onsite, chemicals applied and much more.
Get Organized
- Track lawn care route profitability
- Improve staff communications
- Quickly know if a lawn gets missed
- Track onsite time for route and lawn care staff

Seamless QuickBooks™ Integration
- Seamlessly integrates with QuickBooks Desktop & Online
- Post invoices, employee time, bills, etc.
- Works with classes and sales reps
- Eliminates double entry!
Route Management
- Track lawn care crews
- Stop verification
- Optimize routes by area, day and tech
- Track when lawn care crews arrive/leave (requires mobile)
- Take pictures after stop has been serviced
- GPS pinpoint the crew upon arrival/departure (requires mobile)
- Map to each stop or service call while on the road

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Improved Field Communications
- Enter/complete tasks and work orders
- Take pictures of stops before and after completion
- Enter/view customer equipment
- Signature capture, print and/or email transactions
Service Department Management
- Enter work orders on desktop or in the field
- Quickly know if something gets missed
- Set up recurring tasks like summer cut backs, sprinkler checks, etc.

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Customer Portal
- Your customers simply download the app on their iOS or Android devices and connect with your business ANYTIME, ANYWHERE!
- Customers can enter work orders (with images) of service issues
- View QuickBooks™ invoice and payment history
- Online Store
- Bill Pay
- Accept quotes and electronically capture signatures
Take a closer look at The Service Program Mobile Solution
Mobile software that's compatible with your QuickBooks desktop and QuickBooks online.

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Helpful Video Demonstrations
Step-by-step videos about how The Service Program can help grow your business.
Routing Crews
Tracking Landscape Jobs
Entering Time/Bills
Working With The Mobile
Create Recurring Invoices
Posting Into QuickBooks™